100 letters to British Airways
To celebrate their 100th birthday, British Airways are running a huge advertising campaign, including 100 ‘love-letters’ to Britain from staff, celebrities, and the public. According to BA, “The BA 100” are “the people who represent the values we want to celebrate and make Britain the creative, open-minded, pioneering and welcoming place it is today.”
To mark the centenary, Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants have assembled our own 100 letters, addressed to BA instead, and calling on them to stop deportations.
These letters showcase other voices - including migrants, former BA staff, and BA customers - and demonstrate the wide support that there is to stop deportations.
To contribute a letter to the campaign, email us at lgsmigrants@gmail.com or click here. Letters can be anonymous.
Tweet your support for the campaign to @British_Airways with #DearBA #BA100 #stopdeportations - make sure to tag us @lgsmigrants!
We’ll be releasing new letters every week until BA’s birthday in August.
Our letter-writers come from a wide range of backgrounds and viewpoints. These writers don’t necessarily represent the views of LGSMigrants, but we stand together in solidarity against the hostile environment and deportations.